Plus Magazine – Januari 2023

Hoogtelijn 3 – Juni 2022

Hoogtelijn 5 – November 2021
2 September: Shell World
Question and Answer page in Shell World (the internal magazine of Shell).
25 Juli 2016 – Gelukzoekers (in Dutch)
Short article ‘Als er gevaar dreigt, word ik ijskoud’ in our regional newspaper Leidsch Dagblad.
08 June 2016 – Dorpsgenoot Peter Boogaard bedwingt Mount Everest (in Dutch)
Main article in our local newspaper Oegstgeester Courant: OC 8 juni 2016
03 June 2016 – Hij klom, keek en kwam terug (in Dutch)
Main article in our regional newspaper Leidsch Dagblad: Leidsch Dagblad 3 juni 2016
03 June 2016 – Interview ‘Route van Rijnland’ (the news letter of the local Chapter of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society) – in Dutch
Interview with Dick Ooms: RouteJuni2016
31 May 2016 – Slechts een kleine bevriezing (in Dutch)
Short article in our reginal newspaper Leidsch Dagblad
25 May 2016 – Peter Boogaard bedwingt Mount Everest (in Dutch)
Short announcement in the local newspaper “Oegstgeester Courant”
21 May 2016 – Toppers op Mount Everest (in Dutch)
News page of Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society, announcing the summit and the fact that with summitting Mt Evererst I am the 10th Dutch Seven Summitteer.
March 2016 – Announcement of Dutch Everest in ‘Route van Rijnland’ (the news letter of the local Chapter of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society) – in Dutch
1 April 2016 – Dutch Everest in Hoogtelijn (in Dutch)
The Dutch Everest Expedition was highlighted in “Hoogtelijn” the official magazine of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society under ‘Expedition News’ (look at page 10).
24 February 2016 – Launch of the 2016 UIAA Respect the Mountains Programme
In their launch of the Provisional 2016 Events Calendar, the UIAA specifically mentions the Dutch Everest 2016 Expedition and me being Ambassador of the UIAA Respect the Mountains Campaign.
October 2015 – Attention for Fundraiser in ‘Hoogtelijn‘ (The national magazine of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society; look at page 50) (in Dutch)
This issue of ‘Hoogtelijn‘ featured the actions by members to support Nepal. My fundraiser “Tiles for the roof of the world’ is at page 50…
2 June 2015 Launch of Fundraiser “Tiles for the Roof of the World”
The newsletter (in Dutch) of the regional chapter of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society launches the fundraiser to help rebuild Lukla after the devastating earthquakes in April and May.
26 April 2015 “Dutch Climbers Safe” (Telegraaf, in Dutch)
Press coverage in the largest Dutch Newspaper on the surviving Dutch climbers on Everest.
11 March 2015 Interview in the Newsletter of the NKBV Regio Rijnland (in Dutch)
The regional chapter of the Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society interviewed me on the next expedition. The Newsletter can be found here (with a link to a Google Earth Impression of the Northern Route) and the actual interview here: interview Route van Rijnland Maart 2015
04 March 2015 – Defecation on Mount Everest
All of a sudden you’re supposed to be an expert on the weirdest subjects related to Everest… (Webcast on waste on Mt Everest by Trouw, one of the bigger Dutch News papers – in Dutch)
01 Jan 2015 – Kou in Leiden (podcast)
The podcast from Makersradio is online. It tells about ‘cold’ and includes interviews with Jetze and myself on suffering from the cold on the Dutch Everest 2012 expedition, when we had to turn back at 8600 m due an unexpected weather change that led to terrible conditions – my right eye got frozen and my cheeks black and blistered from frost bite… Link to podcast (in Dutch)
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